Sunday, July 16, 2006

best birthweek ever

when i woke up this morning (at 3pm) i had a huge flashback of the week's events that culminated last night... naturally, i thought it was an acid flashback unlocked by the huge amount of dancing that i did last night at spy bar, but then i realized that the memorical montage was non-fiction.

to make a long story longer, this week brought with it the birthdays of two of my friends, one being my bestest friend ever, and the celebration was not limited to one, but every night. the piece de resistance was the potluck house party last night; COCKtails and GUACamole, candy cigarettes, glowsticks, and never-ending games of Scene It! after dominating the game-play with my teammate/celebrity-lookalike, our group made it's way to my bar of choice for some shots, bumping and grinding.

we obviously went straight for the drinks at the bar. once we all had something to keep one of our hands occupied, we quickly made our way to the courtyard/dancefloor of this fine establishment (that has hidden cameras all around so as to share ones antics with the plethora of patrons at said bar). on the dancefloor, our birthday group absolutely dominated! we started just with the "i'm white" side to side bouncing, but that quickly evolved into the trusty "guy about to breakdance and taking his warm-up entry steps." it goes without saying that a crowd started to form made up of curious onlookers, drunken apers, wary bar security, and lastly the people enthralled by my natural beauty (one such lady notified me that "no-offense" i was the best looking person there). once our audience was in place, our little group, fueled with plenty of liquid courage, began what we came there to do; imaginary double-dutch. now i know what you're probably thinking, but although i didn't grow up in the bronx, or spanish harlem, thus missing out on playing in fire hydrants, hopskotching with the gurlz, and truly double-dutching, i DO have quite the imagination...and rythm. now it could've been that more people arrived at the bar at this point, but it seemed that our double-dutch exhibition brought all the bar-goers into the courtyard/dancefloor to watch, and in some cases, to take their turns. the rest of the night went much like any other bar night:
1. drinking my face off
2. talking to any and every random person
3. dancing to all the greatest hits from the 80s, 90s, and today (which now includes an uber-white version of the "motorcycle rev" dance from "it's goin down" by yung joc...
4. rolling up my pant legs because of my dance-induced sweatiness
5. getting compliments on my beautiful [read: glow-in-the-dark] legs
6. retreating to the inside of the bar for its air-conditioning
7. drinking more of my face off
8. cheering for people playing billiards, spirit fingers and all
9. leaving the bar AFTER the lights have been turned on, and waaaay after last call
10. passing the pizza joint adjacent to the bar, and passing the next closest one, only to arrive at the farthest pizza joint and be greeted by a 40 minute line and a bathroom that was out of order
11. succumbing to the need for a bike taxi to shuttle us back home in true style

all in all, it was one of the best birthweeks ever (birthdays are so underrated), but hopefully next march will bring a close comparison. it's now 4pm and i haven't showered, so i'm going to clean the 1,498 beer bottles out of my place and prepare myself for riding my bicycle bar-to-bar tonight...

hope you enjoyed the beginning of my foray into blogging, and stay tuned for more transcripts of my antics, and possibly even some introspective scribbles or, dare i say, existentialist thoughts on e-paper.

hugs and beer-flavored kisses,


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